Russia-China Crude Pipeline complete

Publish time: 28th September, 2010      Source: CNPC
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                      On September 27, the Russia-China Crude Pipeline was announced fully completed. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pressed the start button, celebrating the completion of the pipeline.
  The 1,030km long Russia-China Crude Pipeline extends from Skovorodino off-take station of Russia's Far East Pipeline to northeast China's Daqing terminal station, including a 63.40 km long segment in Russia and a 965 km long segment in China. The pipeline is expected to be operational at the end of 2010, with a designed delivery capacity of 15 million tons per annum.
  Construction of the Russian and Chinese parts commenced in April and May 2009 respectively. On August 25, 2010, the Heilongjiang River crossing project successfully connected the two segments.