January 28, 2014
Chile confirms outbreak of infectious salmon anaemia
An outbreak of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) has been confirmed at a salmon farm belonging to Invermar in the region of Chiloe as reported by Chilean national fisheries and aquaculture authority Sernapesca.
Invermar has also reported the outbreak, specifying the ISA virus has been positive within two cages with 108,078 Atlantic salmon, according their own estimations from December 31.
The outbreak started in an area with 20 cages, totalling around one million fish with an average weight of 925 grams.
The cages affected will be harvested immediately as part of the security measures applied, said Invermar. The company expects losses of about US$2.5 million as a consequence of the outbreak.
Sernapesca's national director Cecilia Solis said the rapid detection and confirmation of the outbreak was made possible because of the programme of ISA monitoring and control carried out permanently by Sernapesca.
"A sample taken by Sernapesca last week allowed the suspicion of the virus on Friday (Jan 24)," Solis said. "A second sampling today confirmed the presence of ISA."
Sernapesca has also activated an enhanced surveillance protocol in other farms and is conducting inspections in the area of Chiloe, particularly in the concession area numbers nine and 10.