Pesticide Price Analysis in China in H1 2021

Publish time: 24th August, 2021      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

  In H1 2021, due to the severe global pandemic situation, the upstream raw materials and intermediates of pesticide were in short supply and the prices continued to rise. Therefore, the price of pesticide technical was at a high level. Although Chinese pesticide manufacturers actively resumed production, the output of pesticide obviously decreased and the supply became increasingly tight because of the stricter environmental protection and safety production supervision policies.


  Domestic demand was basically met, but foreign pesticides were still in short supply. In this case, the price of herbicide technical rose sharply with robust market demand.


   It is worth mentioning that the glyphosate technical industry entered a boom period. Besides, a few insecticide technical and fungicide technical were also in a tight supply. However, both performance and demand of insecticides and fungicides were weak on the whole. The price of insecticide technical decreased first and then increased slightly, which was relatively stable. Q2 was the off-season for the use of fungicide technical. The price of fungicides continued to decline with poor performance.


  In this report, CCM will do analysis of the prices of pesticides in China in H1 2021 from the following aspects: Overview of China's pesticide industry in H1 2021; Price analysis of herbicides in H1 2021; Price analysis of insecticides in H1 2021; Price analysis of fungicides in H1 2021.





  Main contents:

        No.                Content                
         Executive summary                
         1                 Overview of pesticide price in China, H1 2021                
         2                 Price analysis of herbicides in China, H1 2021                
         2.1                 Glyphosate                
         2.10                 Atrazine                
         2.2                 Glufosinate-ammonium                
         2.3                 Pretilachlor                
         2.4                 Pendimethalin                
         2.5                 Trifluralin                
         2.6                 Nicosulfuron                
         2.7                 Clodinafop-propargyl                
         2.8                 Clethodim                
         2.9                 Oxadiazon                
         3                 Price analysis of insecticides in China, H1 2021                
         3.1                 Emamectin benzoate                
         3.10                 Chlorfenapyr                
         3.2                 Imidacloprid                
         3.3                 Malathion                
         3.4                 Chlorpyrifos                
         3.5                 Pymetrozine                
         3.6                 Fipronil                
         3.7                 Chlorfluazuron                
         3.8                 Lambda-cyhalothrin                
         3.9                 Bifenthrin                
         4                 Price analysis of fungicides in China, H1 2021                
         4.1                 Difenoconazole                
         4.10                 Chlorothalonil                
         4.2                 Propiconazole                
         4.3                 Tebuconazole                
         4.4                 Azoxystrobin                
         4.5                 Carbendazim                
         4.6                 Prochloraz                
         4.7                 Cyazofamid                
         4.8                 Dimethomorph                
         4.9                 Trifloxystrobin       




  List of tables:

        Table No.                Table Title       
         Table 1-1                 China Agrochemical Price Index (CAPI), Jan. 2020–June 2021       

  List of figures:

        Figure No.                Figure Title       
         Figure 2.1-1                 Ex-works price of glyphosate technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.2-1                 Ex-works price of glufosinate-ammonium technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.3-1                 Ex-works price of pretilachlor technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.4-1                 Ex-works price of pendimethalin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.5-1                 Ex-works price of trifluralin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.6-1                 Ex-works price of nicosulfuron technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.7-1                 Ex-works price of clodinafop-propargyl technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.8-1                 Ex-works price of clethodim technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.9-1                 Ex-works price of oxadiazon technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 2.10-1                 Ex-works price of atrazine technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.1-1                 Ex-works price of emamectin benzoate technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.2-1                 Ex-works price of imidacloprid technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.3-1                 Ex-works price of malathion technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.4-1                 Ex-works price of chlorpyrifos technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.5-1                 Ex-works price of pymetrozine technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.6-1                 Ex-works price of fipronil technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.7-1                 Ex-works price of chlorfluazuron technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.8-1                 Ex-works price of lambda-cyhalothrin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.9-1                 Ex-works price of bifenthrin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 3.10-1                 Ex-works price of chlorfenapyr technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.1-1                 Ex-works price of difenoconazole technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.2-1                 Ex-works price of propiconazole technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.3-1                 Ex-works price of tebuconazole technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.4-1                 Ex-works price of azoxystrobin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.5-1                 Ex-works price of carbendazim technical (White color) in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.6-1                 Ex-works price of prochloraz technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.7-1                 Ex-works price of cyazofamid technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.8-1                 Ex-works price of dimethomorph technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.9-1                 Ex-works price of trifloxystrobin technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       
         Figure 4.10-1                 Ex-works price of chlorothalonil technical in China, June 2020–June 2021       


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