Genetically Modified Wheat - different views between China and US to be enlarged 12-21-2015

 According to CCM, in 2016, the MOA will encourage to breed new strains of Genetically Modified (GM) wheat. However, US begins to strengthen the supervisions the field trial of GM wheat in the beginning of the year 2016.  



The four GM wheat projects supported by China


The Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China (MOA) will give back to four new genetically modified (GM) wheat variety breeding projects in 2016. The projects will be undertaken under the principle of "entrusting the best and evaluated by the expert", and their implementation cycle is to be five years (from 2016 to 2020). The main contents of the projects are as follows:  

  • Project 1. Breeding new varieties of GM wheat resistant to diseases and pests

To resist main diseases and pests which impede the growth of wheat, it is necessary to breed promising new strains of GM wheat resistant to wheat yellow mosaic virus; to create new germplasms and varieties of GM wheat resistant to gibberellic disease, banded sclerotial blight and aphids, and to improve efficient molecular breeding technology system of wheat resistant to diseases and pests.  

  • Project 2. Breeding new varieties of GM wheat with stress resistance 

To solve drought, salt and alkali, high temperature and other stress factors, it is necessary to create new germplasms of GM wheat which are resistant to drought and water-saving, and are tolerant to salt and alkali and to high temperature, breeding new strains with promising application prospect and improving molecular breeding technology system of wheat resistance.    

  • Project 3. Breeding new varieties of GM wheat with good quality and high yield

It is advocated to draw on high photosynthetic efficiency, factors contributing to yield (kernels per spike, thousand kernel weight, tiller and etc.) and other genes related to yield, so as to breed new germplasms and varieties of GM wheat with high yield; on the basis of high yield, efforts should be made to create new GM materials and strains which are nutrition-based and functional with yield and quality coordinately modified, improving new breeding technology of high-yielding wheat.   

  • Project 4. Breeding new varieties of GM wheat with efficient utilisation of nitrogen and phosphorus 

To improve the efficiency in the utilisation of nutrition, it is necessary to create new materials and strains with efficient utilisation of nitrogen and phosphorus, improving molecular breeding technology system of wheat with efficient utilisation of nutrition. 


The stricter supervision on GM wheat from US


On Dec. 11, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that they will strengthen the supervisions on the field trial of GM wheat.


Since Jan.1 2016, the GM wheat developers should apply for permission from USDA if they want to have field trials on the biotech wheat, according to Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.


Why USDA announced this regulation is that in 2013 and 2014, the unauthorized GM wheat was founded planted in Oregano and Montana.


It was never being permitted to have field trials in Oregano and as for Montana, the permission for the field trails had already expired 10 years ago.


USDA believes that after what happened in Oregano about the GM wheat, they realized such events may disrupt the global wheat market.


CCM believes that China and US may hold an even more different view on GM wheat in the future. That China is encouraging the GM wheat is because China has an increasing demand for grains. The export volumes of wheat with high quality have decreased in 2015 due to the adjustment in the China’s regulation for wheat. Moreover, the quality of the China’s homemade wheat is not good.


Thus, if China wants to increase the wheat yield for the grain demand, just depending on China’s planting technology and planting environment is far from enough.


To increase the grain yield, CCM believes that GM wheat will become a potential supporter for grain demand in China in the future.


If you would like to know more the GM wheat industry, you could have a look at our product: Seed China News.



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Tag: GM wheat


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