CCM: 2,4-D butylate still enjoys benefits from overseas markets 06-01-2016

On 9 May, 2016, China announced the decision to ban the use of 2,4-D butylate from the domestic market which, fortunately, will not affect its export.

                                                                                      Source: Baidu

Although China may ban 2,4-D butylate, its export will not be affected as, according to the measures about banning 2,4-D butylat that the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China plans to issue, 2,4-D butylate TC producers can change the registration of 2,4-D butylate for overseas use only when they update the old registrations.

In other words, producers can still run the export business on 2,4-D butylate and even obtain the overseas market shares that were usually occupied by other formulations processors.


On 13 May, 2016, there were 7 2,4-D butylate TC producers approved to register 2,4-D butylate in China, among which only 6 have TC registrations within validity.

They are Shandong Weifang Rainbow Chemical Co., Ltd. (Weifang Rainbow), Jiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Huifeng), HebeiWanquim Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (HebeiWanquim), Jiamusi Heilong Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (Jiamusi Heilong), Liaoning Dalian Songliao Chemical Co., Ltd. (Dalian Guangda), and Changzhou Wintafone Chemical Co., Ltd. (Changzhou Wintafone). Jiangsu Huifeng's registration, though, is only for export.

After the registrations expire, the producers can change them into registrations for export use only and then these enterprises can continue to produce and sell 2,4-D butylate-containing products in overseas markets.


At the moment, some enterprises's 2,4-D butylate formulations are registered for export only.

It remains uncertain that whether they will be able to obtain the renewal or not after the registration expire was affected by the source of TC, but if the formulation processors will all be able to obtain the registration renewal, they will still be permitted to use 2,4-D butylate formulations till 14 Jan., 2022 at the latest. 2,4-D butylate, in fact, will not be produced any longer the moment the production of 2,4-D butylate TC is banned.


According to the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture, the expiry date of Weifang Rainbow's 96% 2,4-D butylate TC registration is 14 Jan., 2020.

That means that the products the company created before this date  can be supplied to domestic formulation processors and that Weifang Rainbow can sell 2,4-D butylate TC until 14 Jan., 2022 according to the two-year validity. After that, all of its TC products will be only sold to overseas markets with the exception of self use only.


HebeiWanquim's registration of 96% 2,4-D butylate TC is valid until 21 April, 2019. Therefore, the 96% 2,4-D butylate TC it produced before this date can supply to the domestic market till 21 April, 2021.


Jiangsu Huifeng's 96% 2,4-D butylate TC was registered for export only, consequently, it cannot be sold in the domestic market. The registration is valid until 17 Dec., 2018 and will not be affected by the prohibition policy.


Jiamusi Heilong's registration of 96% 2,4-D butylate TC is valid until 18 May, 2019. 96% 2,4-D butylate TC produced by this company after 18 May, 2019 can only be exported.

Dalian Songliao's registration of 96% 2,4-D butylate TC is valid until 18 June, 2019 and whether or not the company continues to produce it after this date, the product will only be exported.


Changzhou Wintafone's registration of 96% 2,4-D butylate TC is valid until 5 Aug., 2019. The products created by the company after 5 Aug., 2019 cannot be used or even sold in the domestic market, they will only be exported.


In short, after 2020, only 6 enterprises will still be allowed to produce 2,4-D butylate TC and formulations for overseas market in China if the country determines to ban the product. If there are no big changes concerning the management measures in the countries/ regions that demand 2,4-D butylate, China's 2,4-D butylate will still enjoy benefits from export business.

This article comes from Herbicides China News 1605, CCM


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