On 2 Sept., 2016, Anhui Guangxin
Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (Guangxin Agrochemical) announced its plan to offer a
private placement for funds of ≤USD209.49 million (RMB1.40 billion), which is meant to be invested
into 6 new projects with the aim of expanding and consolidating its fungicide business, optimizing product structure and improving R&D capability.

Source: Baidu
According to this plan, Guangxin
Agrochemical will issue ≤88.23 million A shares to no more than 10 specified shareholders,
pricing at USD2.44/share (RMB16.31/share). The to-be-raised funds will be
invested into the following projects:
Pyraclostrobin project (3,000 t/a)
Executor: Guangxin Agrochemical
Total investment: USD73.57 million (RMB491.33
million), including USD61.77 million (RMB412.55 million) from the funds
When the project is finished, the company will possess a production capacity of
3,000 t/a for pyraclostrobin TC. Products from this project can be not only
sold, but also processed by the company itself for higher added-value, which
will help boost the company’s profit and expand product range. Still (by 2
Sept., 2016), the company was still applying for administrative approval for
construction and environmental impact assessment.
Famoxadone project (1,200 t/a)
Executor: Guangxin Agrochemical
Total investment: USD57.04 million (RMB380.90
million), including USD47.12 million (RMB314.71 million) from the funds
Guangxin Agrochemical has been developing special pesticides based on phosgene
(that is also a raw material for famoxadone) for years and now it possesses its
own phosgene production base. By giving full play to these advantages, the new
famoxadone project is expected to enrich the company’s product mix and improve
its competitiveness and profitability. Still (by 2 Sept., 2016), the company
was still applying for administrative approval for construction and environmental
impact assessment.
Famoxadone is not only jointly promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the
People's Republic of China and the National Agro-Tech Extension and Service
Centre, but also on the government purchase list of fungicides for controlling
and preventing rice blast. At the moment, only a few domestic producers are
able to produce famoxadone, working at small production capacities. This
represents a huge market for domestic pesticide manufacturers.
o-Phenylenediamine cleaner production technology upgrading project (15,000 t/a)
Executor: Dongzhi Guangxin Agrochemical
Co., Ltd. (Dongzhi Guangxin), a fully-owned subsidiary of Guangxin Agrochemical
Total investment: USD27.24 million (RMB181.90
million), including USD22.92 million (RMB153.05 million) from the funds

o-Phenylenediamine is an important chemical intermediate for high-effective and
low-toxic pesticides like carbendazim and thiophanate. According to CCM’s
research, Dongzhi Guangxin is now applying to a sodium sulfide reduction method
which shows flaws like low conversion rate and large quantity of
difficult-treating industrial waste water.
After this upgrade, the company will
shift onto producing through catalytic hydrogenation, a method that would improve
the conversion rate, lower the production costs and reduce industrial
wastewater, waste gases and residues from production (easily treated as well),
which further enhances the company’s production efficiency and competitiveness.
As of 2 Sept., following the construction approval the Cizhou Economic and
Information Technology Committee, Guangxin Agrochemical was applying for environmental
impact assessment.
Combined heat & power project (24 MW)
Executor: Dongzhi Guangxin
Construction site: northern part of Xiangyu
Chemical Industrial Park, Anhui Province
Total investment: USD60.13 million (RMB401.60
million), including USD47.84 million (RMB319.52 million) from the funds
This project implies the installation of two sets of circulating fluidized bed
boilers (130 t/h) and two extraction cum back-pressure steam turbines (12MW
each), together with desulfuration / denitration facilities. This not only
meets Dongzhi Guangxin’s demand for heating loads in production and reduce
expenses on electricity, but will also help in saving energy and protecting the
environment, thus providing great social and economic benefits.
Still (by 2 Sept., 2016), the company was still applying for administrative
approval for construction and environmental impact assessment.
Wharf construction project
Executor: Dongzhi Guangxin
Total investment: USD25.69 million (RMB171.57
million), including USD21.30 million (RMB142.22 million) from the funds
This project aims to supply raw material to Dongzhi Guangxin and reduce costs
of product delivery. On 2 Sept., Guangxin Agrochemical obtained project
approval for construction from the Development and Reform Commission of Cizhou
City and the environmental impact assessment approval from the Environmental
Protection Department of Cizhou City.
R&D centre construction project
Executor: Guangxin Agrochemical
Total investment: USD10.07 million –
RMB67.26 million (USD8.54 million – RMB57.04 million from the funds)
Guangxin Agrochemical will construct a R&D centre and purchase laboratory
equipment in order to further integrate R&D and production as well as
accelerate the mass production of R&D achievements. Still (by 2 Sept., 2016),
the company was still applying for administrative approval for construction and
environmental impact assessment.
Guangxin Agrochemical’s 6 new projects, based
on the current market situation, industrial competition and the company’s
development strategy, support its main businesses and show great market
potential and economic benefits. They can help optimize the company’s product
structure, upgrade production technologies and help the company capture a
larger market share, which then would improve its market position, brand value,
profitability and anti-risk capability.
Guangxin Agrochemical's
allocation scheme of the to-be-raised funds, 2016
Total investment, million USD
Funds to be raised, million USD
Pyraclostrobin project (3,000 t/a)
Famoxadone project (1,200 t/a)
o-Phenylenediamine cleaner production
technology upgrading project (15,000 t/a)
Combined heat & power project (24
Wharf construction project
R&D centre construction project
Source: Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical Co.,
This article comes from Fungicides China News 1609, CCM

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Tag: fungicide