China's list of banned pesticides to be expanded in 2017 and 18 03-15-2017

The use of pesticides in China is becoming stricter, while an increasing number of them are getting banned in the most populous country in the world. The bans are mostly targeting highly toxic pesticides to support a more environmental and sustainable agriculture in China. Market intelligence firm CCM provides a list with China’s banned pesticides, including the ones that will be banned in the near future.


China is trying hard to modernise its agricultural sector, enhancing sustainable planting, educate farmers, and change the focus of crop plants. As one of the decisive factors towards a more sustainable agriculture, the better and more effective use of pesticides has been the centre of many subjects in China’s politics already. While on the one hand promoting and supporting highly efficient pesticides with a low toxicity, short duration, and environmental friendly decomposition, on the other hand highly toxic pesticides are getting continuously banned in China. 

Since the beginning of the new century, the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China (MOA) has already enabled the ban of 39 highly toxic pesticides. The effort in reducing the use of these harmful pesticides has already lead to an immense drop in the share of highly toxic pesticides in comparison to all pesticides. According to CCM, the percentage of usage has fallen from 35% in the beginning of the century to now 2% total, with a further decreasing trend. 

Now, the MOA has announced to ban three more pesticides, effective at the middle of 2017 and at the end of third quarter of 2018. The three pesticides are dicofol, as well as mixed formulations of ethametsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl. Dicofol is the pesticide with the duration till 2018, the use and sales of the two formulations will be already effective in July 2017.  

Banned Pesticides in China






 Ethylene dibromide





















 Calcium phosphide

 Magnesium phosphide

 Zinc phosphide






Single formulations of ethametsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl




 Source: CCM  

The long duration until the effective ban of the three pesticides is necessary because no equal substitutions have been found yet. Chinese crops are still in need of the usage, which makes an immediate ban impossible.  

What’s more, 12 of the 39 banned pesticides in China are only allowed to be used on non-edible crops, according to CCM. Together with the three newly banned pesticides, China’s list of banned pesticides will be enlarged to 42 by the end of 2018.


China’s government has not only banned 39 pesticides but also limited the scope of use for 25 more pesticides, of which manufacturers and traders in China should be aware of. CCM has listed the restricted pesticides with the forbidden scope for orientation. 

China’s 25 banned pesticides and forbidden scope, as of March 2017


 Source: China Crop Protection Industry Association


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