Strategic Collaboration of Dupont and By-Health 10-21-2019

The Chinese market is one of the most attractive and fastest-growing in the world in terms of dietary supplements, and probiotics. According to the Daxue consulting the vitamin and dietary market is projected to reach 22 billion USD or 169 billion RMB by 2020. The market has become attractive because of the rapidly growing middle class; more people can afford additional health products such as vitamins, fish oil, protein powder, etc. Such growing demand is showing high potential for the market in several areas such as increasing market value, increase in product variety, deeper segmentation, and fierce competition.

Recently, an American conglomerate DuPont announced to increase its presence in China by going under a strategic collaboration with By-Health, a leading consumer health care company in China. DuPont is an international enterprise that focuses on agriculture, material science and specialty products. DuPont originally started its business in China in the mid-1980s and now the company has 23 wholly-owned and joint ventured manufacturing facilities and the three branches in the country. Till 2003, the company invested more than $700 million in China and is still investing to support local and regional growth.

Current strategic collaboration would focus on research and development of probiotic dietary supplements with “new function, new ingredient and new technologies, including joint research on the development of new probiotic dietary supplements and applications for use”. DuPont is focused on improving people’s everyday lives and with this strategic alliance, the company will be able to introduce new probiotic base products to satisfy consumers growing demand for natural health and wellness solution.

Impact of Collaboration on Chinese industry:

The alliance will not only introduce new probiotics and a new variety of dietary supplements but will also help in bringing new technology in the market. Furthermore, it will rebuild the confidence of Chinese consumers on locally manufactured products which was shattered earlier by adulteration and low-quality products. The alliance will create new opportunities and increase the variety of probiotics in the market and will also allow DuPont to access the vast Chinese consumer market. Probiotic sector growth will eventually push the growth of API (Active pharmaceutical ingredients) in the country.

More market intelligence of probiotics such as import and export analysis of probiotics please email for more information. 

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