Pyrethroid see price edge up, yet most insecticides have price lower in Nov. 12-01-2023

Summary: In Nov., ex-works price of insecticides TC had MoM decrease in China. Specifically, the price of pyrethroid insecticides TC first went up but later dipped through this month, and prices of acaricides, carbamates, insect growth regulators and other insecticides remained low.

In China, the monthly ex-works prices of insecticides TC in Nov. slipped by 0.47% on average on a monthly basis, and fell by 20.83% on a yearly basis.


Nicotinoid insecticides: The Nov. ex-works price of nicotinoids decreased MoM. Main intermediates for insecticides under this category, such as 2-nitroaminoimidazoline and 2-chloro-5-(chloromethyl)pyridine (CCMP), witnessed downtrend in their prices, which could not effectively support the price of nicotinoids. Besides, there have been sufficient supplies of imidacloprid TC and acetamiprid TC in the market, plus normal operation in the majority of producers. However, downstream demand was dull and mainly small orders were made to replenish stock.


Pyrethroid insecticides: The ex-works price of pyrethroid insecticides TC first went up but later dipped through Nov., and in general, the price edged up 0.04% MoM. The prices of beta-cypermethrin TC, cypermethrin TC, etc. registered MoM increases in early-Nov., but the prices started to fall late this month. Compared with insecticides of other categories, the overall performance of pyrethroids is rather optimistic, mainly because the majority of producers reduced their output, and some even could not supply stably. Short-term supply shortage for some pyrethroid insecticides TC made their prices went up a little.


Organophosphorus insecticides: Average price fall for this category was logged at 0.39% on a monthly basis. Although some products like acephate TC and triazophos TC had stable price, most of organophosphorus insecticides TC have come into the off-season. Apart from a few orders to satisfy the rigid demand, new orders were rare. According to producers of insecticides TC under this category, at the end of Nov., sales pressures mounted and competition in the market turned intense. In order to attract orders, there exists the possibility of further lowering quotations.


For acaricides, carbamates, insect growth regulators and other insecticides, the market was quite dull. Ex-works prices of most TC products remained at a low level, and sales were under much pressure.

Table Monthly ex-works prices of major insecticide TC products in China, Nov. 2023
Category Product Ex-works price in Nov. 2023 (RMB/t) Ex-works price (USD/t) RMB MoM change RMB YoY change
Nicotinoid insecticide 95% Acetamiprid technical 82,200 11,451.98 -2.68% -40.24%
97% Imidacloprid technical 92,800 12,928.75 -1.59% -36.33%
Pyrethroid insecticide 95% Beta-Cypermethrin technical 126,440 17,615.43 -1.19% -22.19%
94% Cypermethrin technical 58,000 8,080.47 1.40% -30.54%
98% Deltamethrin technical 390,000 54,334.20 1.30% -27.78%
95% Lambda-cyhalothrin technical 118,200 16,467.44 -1.34% -38.60%
Organophosphorus insecticide 97% Acephate technical 43,000 5,990.69 0.00% -23.89%
95% Chlorpyrifos technical 36,740 5,118.56 -0.49% -25.85%
85% Triazophos technical 69,000 9,612.97 0.00% 16.95%
90% Phoxim technical 37,000 5,154.78 -1.07% -17.78%
Acaricide 90% Propargite technical 60,000 8,359.11 0.00% 0.00%
97% Spirodiclofen technical 139,000 19,365.27 0.00% -13.12%
Carbamate insecticide 98% Carbofuran technical 100,000 13,931.85 0.40% -13.04%
98% Methomyl technical 73,900 10,295.63 -1.10% -7.63%
Insect growth regulator 95% Buprofezin technical 65,000 9,055.70 0.00% -13.33%
Others 95% Abamectin technical 380,000 52,941.01 -1.66% -30.66%
70% Emamectin benzoate technical 367,500 51,199.53 0.00% -30.13%

Source: CCM

More information can be found at CCM Insecticides China Monthly Report.


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