China Drafts Ouality Requirement for Ice Cream 02-05-2024

Summary: China has issued a draft Quality Requirement for Ice Cream to replace the existing Frozen Drinks—Ice Cream (GB/T 31114-2014).

On 29 Dec., 2023, the draft national standard of Quality Requirement for Ice Cream was issued for public feedback up to 27 Feb., 2024.

This draft is to replace the existing Frozen Drinks—Ice Cream (GB/T 31114-2014); it has been based on input from the China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC), Yili, Mengniu, Nestlé and Unilever and others, to align domestic product quality and innovation with the international levels after the growth seen in China's ice cream market.

Major changes include the followings:

Definition of terminology: Ice cream is a frozen drink of an expanded volume made from milk and/or dairy products, with or without addition of other ingredients, by mixing, pasteurising or sterilising, homogenising, cooling, ageing, freezing, hardening and other processes.

Product categorisation:

  • Full-milk fat ice cream: Ice cream with a milk fat mass fraction ≥ 8% and without addition of non-milk fats (except those contained in other ingredients)
  • Half milk-fat ice cream: Ice cream with a milk fat mass fraction ≥ 2.2%
  • Vegetable fat ice cream: Ice cream with a milk fat mass fraction < 2.2%
  • Type inspection: shall be carried out once a year, and also in any of the following cases:

  • Changes of major raw and auxiliary materials or changes in key production processes
  • When products have had production discontinued for more than 6 months and then resumed
  • When there is a big difference between the final factory test result and the latest type inspection result
  • When requested by the national regulatory authority
  • Product naming

  • Full-milk ice cream with main ingredient being raw milk, sterilised dairy, pasteurised dairy, or concentrated dairy, without the direct addition of non-milk fat, non-milk proteins (except for any contained in other ingredients), can be named as "cow (goat) dairy (milk) ice cream"
  • Based on formulation, ice cream with a total addition of fruit and fruit products (calculated as fruit juice/pulp) ≥ 2.5% can be named as "xxx ice cream"; ice cream with a total addition of fruit and fruit products <2.5% can be named as "×× flavoured ice cream"
  • Table Physicochemical Indicators for Ice Cream
    Item Index
    Full-milk fat ice cream Half milk-fat ice cream Vegetable fat ice cream
    Uniform ice cream Combination ice cream Uniform ice cream Combination ice cream Uniform ice cream Combination ice cream
    MSNF, g/100g ≥ 6
    Total solids, g/100g ≥ 32 30
    Milk fat, g/100g ≥8.0 ≥2.2 <2.2
    Total fat, g/100g≥ 8 6 5 6 5
    Protein, g/100g≥ 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.2

    Note: 1. Milk fat and MSNF are calculated on original formulations 2. Uniform ice cream refers to "ice cream" without granular or lumpy ingredients; combination ice cream refers to "ice cream" as the main ingredient (mass fraction >50%), mixing with other kinds of frozen drinks and/or chocolate, biscuits and other food products 3. Indices for combination ice cream are based on the main ingredient "ice cream" 4. Indices of total fat and milk fat do not apply to products claiming to be low-fat or fat-free

    Source: Draft Quality Requirement for Ice Cream


    For more information,please check our Dairy Products China News.

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