Insecticides China Monthly Report

Publication: Monthly on the
Published by CCM

Insecticides China News provides you with real-time intelligence on China's insecticides market.
China’s insecticides market has grown rapidly in recent years, almost tripling in value between 2007 and 2013, and China is now a leading exporter of insecticides.
However, the industry faces a battle to adapt to tightening environmental regulations and the banning of several highly toxic products. 
Insecticides China News will help you stay ahead of the game in this fast-changing market with real-time reporting on the entire insecticides industry chain, from raw materials to end consumption. This includes:
  • Breaking news from China and abroad
  • The latest market data, including price information for raw materials, intermediates and end products, import/export data, production, consumption, operating rates, etc.
  • In-depth analysis of market trends, Chinese government policy, the performance of leading Chinese producers, M&A, new technologies, and more
  • Expert commentary from industry insiders, including regular guest articles and interviews with insiders at leading Chinese manufacturers, associations and government organizations
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Main Content of Insecticides China News 202004

Price of this issue :
USD 117

Published on 30th April, 2020

Published on 30th April, 2020

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council signed the Decree of the State Council, promulgating the Regulations on Prevention and Control of Crop Pests and Diseases (Regulations)announcing that the Regulations will take effect on 1 May, 2020. The Regulations offers guidance on the following 4 aspects such as responsibility of prevention and control of crop pests and diseases, prevention and control system, prevention and control service and green prevention and control measures, and provides direction of preventing and controlling crop pests and diseases for China.

Published on 29th April, 2020

Published on 29th April, 2020

Published on 29th April, 2020

Published on 28th April, 2020

Affected by locust plague in foreign countries, overseas demands for organophosphorus insecticide TC were huge in April, pushing up the price in China. India's supplies of pyrethroid insecticides and related products were restricted by the COVID-19 epidemic, thus the prices in China were raised. Price of nicotinamide insecticide in China declined due to high domestic inventory and slack demands at home and abroad.

Published on 24th April, 2020

Published on 24th April, 2020

According to Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China (ICAMA), registrations of 105 insecticides were renewed in April. Specifically, most of them are in the forms of EC, SC, WP, EW and ME; 85% of them are crop insecticides mainly used to prevent and control insects on crops such as vegetable, rice, fruit and cotton, and the rest 15% are hygienic insecticides used to treat indoor ant, fly, cockroach, flea and mosquito; most of the insecticides with renewal registrations are of middle to low toxicity; companies in Eastern and Southern China were mostly seen in application for registration renewal of insecticides; major active ingredients include abamectin, imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos, beta-cypermethrin and phoxim, and major renewed active ingredients of TC products were chlorpyrifos, dimethoate and omethoate.

Published on 24th April, 2020

Published on 24th April, 2020

China's pesticide export was affected by logistics as well as import and export policies in other countries under the outbreak of COVID-19. Therefore a significant MoM decrease was seen in China's export of chlorpyrifos in Feb., 2020.

Published on 20th April, 2020

First phase of Wuzhong Linghang's 15,000 t/a green pesticides project has been put into trial production, which includes production facilities of 1,000 t/a acetamiprid TC and 1,000 t/a nitenpyram TC as well as other supporting facilities. Therefore, there will be new supplier of acetamiprid TC and nitenpyram TC on China' market.

Published on 16th April, 2020

Published on 16th April, 2020

Affected by the epidemic of COVID-19, a sharp MoM decrease was seen in China's export of indoxacarb in Feb., 2020. Major indoxacarb products exported by China are TC product which experienced a smaller MoM decrease compared with that of indoxacarb formulation product.

Published on 14th April, 2020

A commencement ceremony for the civil engineering of the main production workshop of Inner Mongolia New Veyong's 500 t/a emamectin benzoate project was held on 2 April, 2020, signifying an official beginning of the construction of the project.

Published on 13th April, 2020

India has launched a lockdown nationwide for 21 days for containing COVID-19. India is a producer of alpha-cypermethrin, acephate, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, dimethoate, ethion, fenvalerate, endosulfan, pendimethalin, profenofos, mancozeb, isoproturon, glyphosate, monocrotophos, deltamethrin, 2,4-D, phorate, imidacloprid, triazophos and indoxacarb. Among them, the capacities of pyrethroid pesticides and mancozeb in India occupy a relatively high proportion of the global one. Moreover, India is one of the most important exporters of P-fluoro-m-phenoxybenzaldehyde, key intermediate of cyhalothrin. The lockdown may bring about influence to part of the producers that are not full-equipped with integrated production. China's prices of multiple pesticides may be driven up by the lockdown.

Published on 13th April, 2020

Sichuan Huihe announced on 14 April, 2020 that its 15,000 t/a high-effective pesticides and other fine chemicals project located in Xinqiao Industrial Park, Guang'an Economic and Technological Development District, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province has gained the project investment record certificate from the Development and Reform Bureau of Guang'an Economic and Technological Development District on 7 April, 2020. The constructions of insecticide TC production lines are included in the first phase of the project, such as 4,000 t/a chlorantraniliprole TC, 600 t/a flonicamid TC, 700 t/a dinotefuran TC, 600 t/a spirotetramat TC, 600 t/a tolfenpyrad TC and 4,000 t/a tebuconazole TC, which will be installed in 6 newly-built production workshops for chlorantraniliprole, flonicamid, dinotefuran, spirotetramat, tolfenpyrad and tebuconazole.

Published on 13th April, 2020

According to the Warning and Controlling Center of Agricultural Pests of Guangdong Province (Center), pests and diseases blighting litchi occurred at moderate level generally. Major occurring pests and diseases include conopomorpha sinensis and litchi downy blight. Additionally, eriophyes litchii keifer, scarab, geometrid and anthracnose happened at various levels. The Center suggested that crop protection departments at all levels should strengthen investigation and monitoring on fields, accurately grasp the dynamics of pests and diseases blighting litchi, timely issue prediction on pests and diseases and guide litchi farmers on prevention and control, so as to guarantee the production safety of litchi. As for application of pesticides, it is important to grasp the timing as well as choose the right products. Pesticides should be applied in the peak of adulthood of conopomorpha sinensis to prevent and control and pest, and should be applied in early stage of litchi downy blight to prevent and control the disease. Diflubenzuron, chlorbenzuron and flufenoxuron are suggested to use to treat conopomorpha sinensis, pyridaben is suggested to contain eriophyes litchii keifer and mancozeb, and dimethomorph and azoxystrobin are suggested to treat litchi downy blight.

Published on 11th April, 2020

Published on 11th April, 2020

Published on 11th April, 2020

Published on 10th April, 2020

Published on 10th April, 2020

Hunan Haili issued its performance report for 2019, showing a YoY increase of 32% in operating income and a YoY increase of 96.28% in net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company. Major insecticide products such as carbofuran and methomyl had made contribution to the performance growth.

Published on 10th April, 2020

Foreign trades in China in Feb., 2020 were affected by COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore China witnessed a sharp MoM decline in export of imidacloprid in Feb., 2020, when compared with the same period of Jan. However there was an increase in the export price of imidacloprid, especially that of imidacloprid formulation.

Published on 9th April, 2020

Published on 8th April, 2020

Published on 7th April, 2020

The 1,600 t/a diafenthiuron TC and by-products project of Changqing Agrochemical Nantong Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Changqing's wholly-owned subsidiary, has passed environmental protecting acceptance check in Feb., 2020.

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