MOC: Average steel price in China edges up slightly

Publish time: 14th August, 2013      Source: ChinaCCM
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On August 13, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced that during last week (August 5-11) the average steel price in China rose by 0.2 percent compared to the previous week.

In particular, in the given week average prices in China of 12 mm rebar, 6.5 mm high-speed wire rod and 10 mm common medium plate increased by 0.4 percent, 0.4 percent and 0.3 percent respectively week on week.

In the week ending August 11, average prices of minerals in China were up 0.1 percent compared to the previous week. Furthermore, the average prices of copper ore and zinc ore were up 1.3 percent and 0.5 percent respectively, but prices of iron ore and lead ore were stable, all compared to the previous week.

Meanwhile, in the given week, average prices of energy in China were down 0.6 percent week on week. The average prices of crude oil and raw coal declined by 0.2 percent and 1.4 percent, while the average price of metallurgical coke was up by 1.2 percent, all week on week.