Taiwanese stainless steel market remains sluggish

Publish time: 22nd August, 2012      Source: ChinaCCM
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Although the nickel prices at LME have hovered around USD 15,000 to USD 15,500 per tonne, the stainless makers may probably cut the prices further due to weak demand.

It's known that the selling prices of the 304 grade stainless steel with 2B finish were at TWD 74,000 to TWD 76,000 per tonne in the Taiwanese market last week while the transactions were few. It is predicted that the Taiwanese stainless steel market might remain sluggish due to poor demand.

Meanwhile, it's noticed that the South Korean stainless steel mills have tried to stabilize the prices by reducing output. Also, the Chinese largest stainless market Taigang Stainless is forecasted to cut its September prices further by USD 100 per tonne.

Affected by these factors, it's predicted that the Taiwanese stainless steel market may remain weak in the short term.