NBS: Chinese coke production reached 427.78 million t in 2011

Publish time: 7th February, 2012      Source: ChinaCCM
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According to the data released by NBS, in January to December of 2011, Chinese overall coke output amounted to 427.78 million metric tons, surging by 11.8% year over year. While in December alone Chinese coke production stood at 34.878 million metric tons, rising by 2% month over month.

Looking at coke production regionally, Shanxi was still the largest coke producer among the provinces surveyed in the January to December of 2011 with the production of 90.479 million metric tons, followed by Hebei, Shandong and Henan with the production of 60.362 million t, 39.734 million t and 28.479 million t respectively in the given period.

As for the coke production in 2012, experts expected that Chinese overall coke production will rise approximately by 5% year-on-year to 450 million metric tons.