Chinese coke prices declined for consecutive two weeks

Publish time: 4th November, 2011      Source: ChinaCCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

According to the data released by The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China recently, China's domestic coke price had declined by 1.4% for the week ended on October 30 compared to prior week and this was also the second consecutive weekly decline. Meanwhile the price for metallurgical coke was down by 1.6% while for cupola coke was kept unchanged from prior week.

It is reported that steel mills have suffered a low profitability and many of them have decided to cut their production in this month or next month. Spontaneously, the coke procurement activities will be curtailed further in the short run. Thus the prospect for coke market in the upcoming future is still gloomy because the market is still very inactive on all sizes