The coke price may ramp up in the short run

Publish time: 20th September, 2011      Source: ChinaCCM
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Accordingly, Shangxi's coke market had suffered from the serious price inversions since April of this year. Consequently, in order to offset the losses, Shangxi's coke enterprises had to hike their EXW prices by 30-50 yuan per t in August, which had alleviated their pressures softly.

As China's robust demand went on, Shangxi's coke production had exceeded 7.7 million t both in July and August. By this calculation, for the whole year of 2011 Shangxi's coke output is anticipated to reach 90 million t, hitting a new record high since the financial crisis.

As for the market prospect, it is reported that Chinese indemnifactory housing and water projects will be accelerated in the subsequent months, thereby the coke price may inch up slightly in the short run.