On March 25, PetroChina Company Limited, a subsidiary of CNPC, released its annual report in Beijing. (As at December 31 2008, CNPC and its persons acting in concert totally hold 86.71% outstanding shares of PetroChina, including H shares held by CNPC through its wholly-owned subsidiary-Fairy King Investments Limited).
For the year ended 31 December 2008, net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company was RMB114.431 billion according to International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), and RMB113.798 billion According to Chinese Accounting Standards ("CAS"). Despite Challenges and Difficulties of natural disasters and global financial crisis, PetroChina maintained stable and healthy operations.
In accordance with IFRS, the Company's turnover in 2008 reached approximately RMB1,070 billion, representing an increase of 28.1% compared to 2007. The basic earnings per share was RMB0.63, approximately RMB0.19 less than that of 2007. According to a resolution passed by the Company's board of directors, the board has recommended to pay final dividends based on 45% of the net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company for the twelve months ended 31 December 2008 under IFRS, and the dividends per share was RMB0.15. Together with the interim dividends of RMB0.13 per share, the annual dividend for 2008 will be RMB0.28 per share.