Wholesale Fishery Market Prices for September 2013

Publish time: 29th November, 2013      Source: MOA Department of Economic and Market Information
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

Wholesale Fishery Market Prices for September 2013

DATE:2013-11-29           SOURCE:MOA Department of Economic and Market Information

According to the statistics from 80 wholesale fishery markets around the country, the Integrated Average Wholesale Price for Fishery Products in September of 2013 is 21.43 yuan per kilo, rising by 4.84% on a yearly basis and dropping by0.26% from the previous month. According to the data from 48 wholesale fishery markets, the trade volume of fishery products in September of 2013 totaled 669,500 tons, up 4.76% on a yearly basis.The total transaction value is 11.486 billion yuan, growing by 9.21% on a yearly basis. Prices and related data for selected fishery products are as follows:


Wholesale Fishery Market Prices for September 2013



Integrated Average Wholesale Price yuan / kg

% change on the previous month

% change on the same period last year

Sea fishery products




Sea fish




Silver pomfret




Sea crustaceans




Swimming crab




Blue swimming crab




Whiteleg shrimp




Kuruma prawn




Sea shells












Sea cephalopods
















Freshwater fishery products




Freshwater fish




Grass carp




Mandarin fish




Freshwater crustaceans




Chinese mitten crab




Other freshwater products




Soft-shelled turtle





    1.    Being equal to that of the previous month.