Retail recognises GMP+ FSA scheme via GLOBALG.A.P.

Publish time: 4th November, 2010      Source:
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November 4, 2010



Retail recognises GMP+ FSA scheme via GLOBALG.A.P.

Press Release


GLOBALG.A.P. recognises the GMP+ FSA scheme as a standard for safe (compound) feeds.


This implies that cattle farmers who wish to obtain certification in accordance with the (global) requirements of the Integrated Farm Assurance standard (IFA) of GLOBALG.A.P., are allowed to purchase feed from GMP+ certified feed companies. This recognition constitutes a new impulse for global participation in the GMP+ FSA scheme.


The GMP+ FSA scheme is one of the three standards for manufacturers of (compound) feed which have been approved from the retail branch. Unlike the other two, the GMP+ FSA scheme is spread all over the whole world. The GMP+ FSA scheme also covers the entire feed chain. The recognition by GLOBALG.A.P. is an extra reason for cattle farmers to opt for a GMP+ certified feed supplier.


Supermarkets are increasingly fulfilling requests from their customers into requirements imposed on their suppliers. Thus, the retail branch wishes one single global standard of good agricultural practice. GLOBALG.A.P. is a scheme with conditions that also relate to chains before the farm, such as suppliers of seeds and feeds. Certification for GLOBALG.A.P. is performed by more than 100 certification bodies in more than 100 countries.