Thailand stores up animal feed for upcoming drought

Publish time: 2nd March, 2010      Source:
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March 2, 2010


Thailand stores up animal feed for upcoming drought


The Department of Livestock Development (DLD) plans to stock up 60,000 tonnes of animal feed for the upcoming summer drought in Thailand.



DLD Director General, Siriwat Intaramongkol, said the department has reserved animal feedfor livestock husbandry during the drought season which includes 10,000 tonnes of dry grass, 2,000 tonnes of grass silage and 50,000 of fresh grass. The DLD claimed a complete gathering of the materials and full readiness to help troubled farmers.



One tonne of animal feed will be allocated for each farmer, while five tonnes will be given for each group of farmers. Farmers who resided at disaster emergency areas can register for help at the Provincial Livestock Offices. Currently, no request of animal feed has been made.



Siriwat added that the department would coordinate with relevant units to reserve water for agriculture. He instructed all DLD officers to keep monitoring the livestock situation and encouraged all farmers to take their animals for rabies vaccines injection in March.