Helius Energy and Veolia Water form global alliance

Publish time: 1st September, 2009      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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September 1, 2009


Helius Energy and Veolia Water form global alliance

Helius Energy plc, the biomass to power company, and Veolia Water Outsourcing Ltd have formed a strategic alliance to use Helius' innovative GreenFields technology to turn distillery by-products into organic fertiliser, animal feed and biomass fuel.



Traditionally, distillery by-products such as wet grain, draff and pot ale have been dried for use as animal feed using an energy-intensive process. GreenFields membrane technology takes these by-products and produces a highly effective organic soil condition, animal feed and biomass fuel for a renewable energy plant, whilst significantly reducing carbon emissions.



Under the terms of the alliance, Veolia Water will jointly fund existing and future GreenFields development costs and projects with Helius.



Going forward, Helius will continue to develop the markets for GreenFields products, which include organic soil conditioner and animal feed, and Veolia Water will operate the relevant projects.