China Jan-Feb coke output at 74.17 mln T

Publish time: 11th March, 2015      Source:
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China produced a total 74.17 million tonnes of coke in the first two months of the year, down 2.8% from a year ago, showed data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on March 11.The NBS releases only the total output figure for January and February, due to the uncertain date of arrival for the Lunar New Year, which usually falls in either January or February.Industry insiders anticipated a marked decline in February output, as many coke plants slowed or suspended operation during this year’s Lunar New Year celebrations starting on January 19.Further weakening of the steel market and tight credit also reduced purchasing enthusiasm from steel mills for the steelmaking material, forcing many plants to run at low level of capacity utilization.The NBS data showed China’s coke output reached 476.91 million tonnes in 2014, edging up 0.12% from a year ago, compared to a year-on-year growth of 8.1% in 2013, mainly due to sluggish demand and the government’s environmental protection campaign.