CCM Newly Published China Market Report of Gum Rosin

Publish time: 15th June, 2010      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      CCM's latest market report, the fourth edition of China's gum rosin market study is published in June 2010. In this updated report, the production, downstream consumption and import & export of China's gum rosin are basically described. Also, the recent dynamics of gum rosin industry in China is a main focus point for this study.
      China's gum rosin industry developed fast in the past few years due to the great demand from overseas and increasing domestic consumption volume. However, in the past two years, infestation, eucalyptus planting and bad weather such as drought, heavy rain, snow, etc. have given greatly negative influence on oleoresin tapping in major pine growing areas. The development of China's gum rosin industry has been inevitably affected. Meanwhile, Chinese export volume of gum rosin has dropped sharply in recent three years, while domestic consumption volume has been increasing since more and more domestic producers and multinational corporations are engaged in the deep-processing of gum rosin.
      This market report comes out in this situation and mainly focuses on the following points:
      - Global position of domestic gum rosin industry
      - Latest dynamics on China's gum rosin industry
      - Investigation on major 30 gum rosin producers in China
      - Production of gum rosin in the past few years in China
      - Key factors influencing the price of gum rosin and price change in the past few years
      - Detailed analysis on export & import of Chinese gum rosin from 2007 to 2009
      - Study on market size and share of gum rosin in major end use segments from 2007 to 2009
      - Multinationals' impact on China's gum rosin production, especially several Japanese players
      - Future forecast on Chinese gum rosin production in the next 5 ~ 10 years

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