China releases clean coal action plan 2015-2020

Publish time: 6th May, 2015      Source:
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China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) released on May 5 an action plan on clean and highly efficient use of coal over the period from 2015 to 2020, detailing plans on the coal quality upgrading, retrofitting of coal-fired thermal plants, industrial boilers and coal chemical operations, as well as the controlling of scattered use of coal for residential purposes. Coal upgradingChina will further develop coal washing and processing to improve coal quality in a more sophisticated manner, the NEA said. Large-scale coal preparation facilities – with annual capacity above 6 Mtpa for thermal coal and over 10 Mtpa for coking coal -- that are highly intelligent and highly reliable will be developed.More than 70% of the raw coal should be washed in China by 2017, and over 80% by 2020, the NEA said.High-quality coal distribution centers should be built at mining areas, ports and main end-user areas. By 2020, China will have 11 large coal storage and blending bases and 30 coal logistics parks each with annual circulation at 20 million tonnes or above.Breakthrough should be achieved in low-rank coal upgrading technology by 2017 and a group of 1 Mtpa demonstration projects will be built by 2020, the NEA said.Thermal plants & boilers retrofittingChina will continue to retrofit coal-fired thermal power plants and industrial boilers to save energy and reduce emissions. In accordance with local water resources, environment and biological situations, nine large coal and power bases will be built in coal-rich provinces, including Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Ningxia, to supply electricity to consumer areas.Coal consumption of newly-built coal-fired generating units should be above 0.3 kg standard coal per kWh of electricity output, while existing coal-fired units below 0.31 kg standard coal.Coal used for power generation should account for over 60% of the country’s total coal consumption, the NEA said.For industrial boilers, by 2020, China will phase out all the coal-fired boilers with capacity of 600,000 T/h. Existing boilers with low efficiency or failing to meet emission standards would be eliminated or upgraded; over half of the boilers should be high-efficient boilers, the NEA said, without elaborations.Under the action plan, coal-fired industrial boilers will all shift to burn natural gas or clean coal by 2020 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city clusters, Pearl River delta and Yangtze River delta area, the NEA said.China has around 600,000 industrial boilers fueled by coal, most of them are in residential areas in northern China.Coal chemicals upgradingChina will upgrade its traditional coal chemical industry, with more efforts on the efficient utilization of coke oven gas, coal tar and other by products, while steadily advance modern coal chemical operations through demonstration projects to improve the technological level and energy conversion efficiency, and reduce negative impacts on biological environment.New modern coal chemical demonstration projects should meet the strictest environmental requirements on air pollutants emission and sewage water discharge, according to the NEA.Residential coal useChina will expand its bans on coal burning to include suburban areas as well as city centers in efforts to tackle air pollution, and promote centralized heating and power supply by natural gas and renewables, replacing scattered heat and power engines fueled by low quality coal.The sale and burning of high-ash and high-sulphur coal will be banned in the worst affected regions including city clusters surrounding the capital city of Beijing.Beijing ordered a ban last year against coal burning in its six central districts from 2020.China has said it will ban the scattered use of coal with ash above 16% and sulphur above 1% in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city clusters, Pearl River delta and Yangtze River delta area.In an earlier action plan released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China aimed to cut coal consumption by over 80 million tonnes by 2017 and more than 160 million tonnes by 2020.Wastes China will also increase efforts in utilizing coal gangue, coal slurry, coal mine gas and other resources that have not be used effectively in the past.By 2020, more than 80% of coal gangue should be utilized comprehensively; coal mine gas extraction and utilization reaches 60%.More than 95% of underground and opencast mine water should be utilized in water-shortage mining areas, above 80% in mining areas with normal water resources, and over 75% in water-rich areas.