Shanxi may cut rail coke freight rate from Jul

Publish time: 12th June, 2015      Source:
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Northern China’s Shanxi province, the country’s top coke producer, may cut rail freight rate for coke transport by 10-15% from July, one local coking plant said, citing the Taiyuan Railway Administration.The freight cut would only for coke and steel products (including aluminum oxide), said the source, adding the actual extent of decline will depend on the transport volume.The freight cut, if implemented, would help further reduce cost of coking plants and support the Shanxi coke sector to some extent.However, many large steel mills usually purchase coke on a delivered basis, so they are expected to see a decline in purchase cost.Recently, some coking plants in Shanxi and Shandong intended to raise prices amid low stocks, but most coking plants took a wait-and-see attitude, due to weak purchase interest from steel mills, most of which had stocks enough to cover more than a week’s consumption.The market mainstream price of domestic Grade II coke was 755 yuan/t during end-May; coke prices stayed roughly stable in May, ending a downward trend this year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.