Chile's seafood exports fall 9.6%

Publish time: 17th February, 2016      Source:
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February 17, 2016



Chile's seafood exports fall 9.6%




Chilean exports of fishery and aquaculture products recorded US$4.6 billion between January and November 2015, representing a drop of 9.6% year-on-year.



The total volume of exports reached 1.1 million tonnes, 0.2% more compared to the same period in 2014. Exports from the aquaculture subsector accounted for 77.5% in value and 62.2% of the total volume of fishery and aquaculture products exported. 703,700 tonnes were exported for US$3.61 billion, representing a contraction of 9.6% year-on-year.



Atlantic salmon is the main resource of the sector, worth nearly US$2.3 billion. This amount represents almost half (49.8%) of the total value of fishery and aquaculture exports, a 10.5% drop year-on-year.



Pacific salmon in second place with 10.1% of the total valuation, saw a 10.6% rise over the same period in 2014.



Fishmeal plunged by 17.6% in volume, while shipments of fresh chilled and frozen products increased by 17.4 and 1.4% respectively. Frozen products accounted for 51.6% of total exports, followed by fresh refrigerated fish (17.5%) and fishmeal (15.9%). Prime fishmeal exports generated revenues of US$137.2 million; those of super prime fishmeal US$ 81.7 million; and standard fishmeal, US$12.9 million, representing decline of 11.4, 18.1 and 27.7% respectively.


