Production of Starch Sugar in China 2019–2023

Publish time: 12th July, 2024      Source: CCM
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  Starch sugar, as a high-quality sweetener, is more widely used than white sugar, not only in the food industry but also in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. There are various starch sugars in the domestic market, mainly including maltose syrup, glucose syrup, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and maltodextrin. As a powerful competitor of white sugar, starch sugar has the advantages of low sweetness, no side effects and low price. In recent years, the consumption field of starch sugar has been expanding, playing an increasingly important role in the domestic market.

This report presents the development of the starch sugar industry in China from 2019 to 2023, together with the production situation of maltose syrup, glucose syrup, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and maltodextrin, which are main starch sugars across the market. It attaches importance to the following parts:

- Review of hot spots in China's starch sugar industry, 2021–2023
- Capacity and output of major starch sugars in China, 2019–2023
- Major producers and distribution of major starch sugars in China, 2019–2023
- Monthly ex-works price of major starch sugars in China, 2019–2023


  Main contents:

        No.                Content                

        Executive summary                
        Introduction and methodology                
        1                Overview                
        2                Hot spots of starch sugar industry in China, 2021–2023                
        3                Maltose syrup                
        3.1                Capacity and output of maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023                
        3.2                Major producers of maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023                
        3.3                Monthly ex-works price of maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023                
        4                Glucose syrup                
        4.1                Capacity and output of glucose syrup in China, 2019–2023                
        4.2                Major producers of glucose syrup in China, 2019–2023                
        5                High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)                
        5.1                Capacity and output of HFCS in China, 2019–2023                
        5.2                Major producers of HFCS in China, 2019–2023                
        5.3                Monthly ex-works price of HFCS in China, 2019–2023                
        6                Maltodextrin                
        6.1                Capacity and output of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023                
        6.2                Major producers of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023                
        6.3                Monthly ex-works price of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023                

  List of tables:

        Table No.                Table Title       
        Table 3.2-1                Production of major producers of maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Table 4.2-1                Production of major producers of glucose syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Table 5.2-1                Production of major producers of HFCS in China, 2019–2023       
        Table 6.2-1                Production of major producers of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023       

  List of figures:

        Figure No.                Figure Title       
        Figure 3.1-1                Capacity and output of maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 3.2-1                Share of maltose syrup capacity in China by region, 2023       
        Figure 3.3-1                Monthly ex-works price of 75% maltose syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 4.1-1                Capacity and output of glucose syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 5.1-1                Capacity and output of high fructose corn syrup in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 5.3-1                Monthly ex-works price of high fructose corn syrup (F42 HFCS) in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 6.1-1                Capacity and output of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 6.2-1                Figure 6.2-1 Share of maltodextrin capacity in China by region, 2023       
        Figure 6.3-1                Monthly ex-works price of maltodextrin in China, 2019–2023       


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