Aspartic Acid Production & Market in China

Report edition: 2007 edition(2)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 63
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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   USD 12,500

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents


The report looks at the situation of Chinese L-aspartic acid industry in the past, at present and in the future. The primary purpose of this report is to disclose the market info of Chinese L-aspartic acid industry.

This report was formulated in Sep. 2007. The data for 2006 and before are based on CCM’s database and other various sources as mentioned in the section of methodology below.

>> All the producers in China, either active or idled or potential, have been sourced and contacted. Their situation has been verified and compiled as in the appendix.

>> The competitiveness of Chinese production has been discussed in order to uncover the mystery of ever-increasing capability of Chinese manufacturing.

>> The import & export analysis for the situation in the recent three years has been conducted.

>> The consumption pattern of the researched subject has been carried out in order to breakdown the end uses into different segments. The major end users under each major end use segment have been identified.

>> The scientific methodology has been employed to conduct the quantitative forecast on this subject in the future 5-10 years.

The aim of this report is to provide powerful assistance to the strategy group and the management team in making correct decision as how to penetrate the ever-increasing China market and how to catch the maximum commercial opportunities. The report is formulated independently by CCM’s professional market researchers, based on the first-hand and primary data, which are analyzed by scientific methodology, confirmed with both manufacturers/end users/traders and legal authorities, and presented in a logic way.

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