Market Research of Stevia in China

Report edition: 2021 edition(9)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 56
Language version: English
Published by CCM
   USD 6,800
   USD 17,000

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Stevia sweetener industry in China consists of three segments, namely stevia planting, stevia sweetener processing and stevia sweetener consumption, involving hundreds of thousands of players including stevia farmers, stevia leaf traders, stevia sweetener producers, traders and end users.

China saw fast expansion in stevia planting area after the dramatic increase in stevia leaf price in 2014. However, the expanding planting area has led to oversupply of stevia leaves, and thus the stevia planting area shrank in 2017-2019. Meanwhile, product structure of stevia sweeteners has changed.

Stevia sweetener industry in China is currently at its growing stage, but stevia leaf price, the major driver of industry development, experienced great fluctuations in the past ten years. Planting areas of stevia, output of stevia sweeteners responded to the changing price. It is necessary for companies to foresee the trends of stevia leaf market.

Overcapacity has occurred in stevia sweetener industry as in other industries in China, as there were expectations of big increase in production due to steady economic growth in last decades. Moreover, local governments and manufacturers adopted investment scale and investment growth as key indicators of performance, to some extent, encouraging the overexpansion. As Chinese government proceeds to adjust policy regarding investment and overcapacity, overcapacity is going to decline in coming years.

This report studies the current stevia sweetener industry in China. This market research provides detailed analysis on the elements affecting the growth of stevia sweetener industry in China, as well as current and historic development of the industry. Market drivers, restraints, opportunities and relative policies can be found in this report.

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